Monday, March 01, 2010

What Makes Canada a Great Country (by Sahil, Gr.3)

The things that make Canada a great place is that it is the home of the Olympics. In the Olympics the athletes perform for the audience. The mascots are called Sumi, Miga and Quatchi. The weather in Canada is rainy, snowy, sunny, and cold. The north part of Canada is close to the north pole that makes its northern parts very cold. Its western coast gets lots of rain throughout the year because of temperate rain forests. Its central areas get lots of snow because they are away from the ocean and they are in higher latitudes. Canada is special because of its wildlife. In Canada, there are polar bears, salmon, beavers, caribou, coyotes, groundhogs, foxes, grizzly bears, deer, killer whales and dolphins. Canada has a lot of trees. Most of the trees are evergreen trees. Canada has a very good environment because all Canadians respect trees. Canada is a multicultural country. People from all over the world come here and settle here. They respect everyone's culture and enjoy multicultural food. The elementary and secondary studies are free in Canada so everyone can learn. All these things make Canada a great place in the world and I am proud to be a Canadian.

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